Monday, 27 January 2020

*Suresh Rangarajan Best Convey A Certain Message To A Certain Target Group

Communication And Esteem

Suresh Rangarajan think communication – both its content and how it is delivered – has a lot to do with appreciation.
Especially, Suresh Rangarajan communication experts, who deal daily with how we best convey a certain message to a certain target group via which channel, know about the value of target-oriented communication.
And that, when done correctly, it not only “arrives” at the recipient, but is also appreciated.
After many years in corporate communications, from personal experience and observation, from conversations with friends and colleagues, Suresh Rangarajan wondering: can we sometimes lose our common sense in light of the many communication possibilities that are available?
Do we concern ourselves so much with target group-oriented communication when it comes to “institutional communication”, that the personal connection we should have with our colleagues falls by the wayside?

Pros and cons of the written word

Every form of communication has its justification at its time and in its context.  Thus, as a passionate writer, the last thing Suresh Rangarajan would want to do would be to undervalue the role of written communication.  
Suresh Rangarajan is indispensable to ensure that information reaches the audience directly and unfiltered; that each recipient receives the same, relevant information, over geographies and time-zones.
But as a someone generating content, Suresh Rangarajan also know how easy it is to hide behind what you write. (Like now, while I’m writing this article; it’s much easier for me than standing in front of you, leaving myself exposed to possibly critical glances!)
But what does it mean for the culture in a company if (almost) only written communication takes place?

My very personal “Walk the talk”

How much real connection is there in our daily communication with colleagues? Suresh Rangarajan much thought do we give to what form of interpersonal communication is appropriate when we are working through our “to-do list”, which is always too long?
The colleague sitting next door sends me an e-mail; the guy from the same floor chats via Skype to me, and the boss communicates with me on WhatsApp.
Each of these messages can be justified, but we all know that moment when you ask yourself, “Why doesn’t he just tell me that? Am Suresh Rangarajan just here to do tasks?” And that’s the moment you get really annoyed!
So Suresh Rangarajan did a little experiment: instead of slipping into angry mode I decided to ask my colleagues about why they chose to communicate with me as they had done.
The reactions were interesting and extremely varied:
  • Suresh Rangarajan didn’t want to bother you with a phone call” (Can’t I decide for myself whether to pick up the phone?)
  • “I didn’t have time to come by.” (Writing an email usually takes longer than taking a few steps.)
  • “The subject is so complex, I’d rather write it.” (Too complex to give me the opportunity to ask back?);
And then the all-time favorite:
  • “I wanted it to be off my to-do list.” (Thank you so very much!!!)
After that experiment, with its interesting insights, I made it my goal to improve my personal communication culture. After years of being less than focused on it, Suresh Rangarajan don’t always get it right, but I’m succeeding more and more often. At least I think so!
It only takes a short moment to think about how Suresh Rangarajan can best contact, inform or address my colleagues. What I get back is incomparably more valuable – personal contacts, relevant additional information, and appreciation. On both sides.
Suresh Rangarajan am now very aware that internal and transparent communication starts with me personally.
Because if my own personal communications are not personal, open, engaging and, yes, human, how could Suresh Rangarajan expect anything better from my company internal communications?